SMO Gold

At Ro Copenhagen, we want to be able to look ourselves in the eye. That’s why we actively work with a number of sustainable initiatives. One of them is the introduction of SMO gold in our collections. Read more about it here!

Gold at Ro Copenhagen
The gold we use for our jewellery can be divided into two categories. One is recycled gold, certified by the Responsible Jewellery Council. There are many benefits to recycled gold, but we’ve become aware that it doesn’t address the conditions in the mines where it was extracted before being reused. That’s why, as one of the first in Denmark, we are introducing SMO (Single Mine Origin) gold. SMO gold can be traced to a single mine, providing full transparency in the supply chain.

What is SMO Gold?
As we can trace our SMO gold, we know that it is sourced from the Ity mine in Côte d’Ivoire, located in the western part of Africa. The Ity mine is owned by Endeavour Mining Corporation (Endeavour), which adheres to the Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMPs), ensuring sustainable mining practices in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. There is full transparency in the supply chain, with both development, refining, and the sales process being fully traceable.

About the Mine
The Ity mine is a pioneer in sustainability and responsible mining in Côte d'Ivoire, with a legacy spanning over 25 years. With operations measured across various aspects, they take a holistic approach to mining while positively contributing to the local community. Their focus areas include:

  • Local Support: 93% of the employees at the mine are Ivorian citizens, and the mine supports over 300 other Ivorian businesses through procurement and collaboration. In 2023, Endeavour held 466 meetings with local stakeholders to discuss topics such as local sourcing and employment opportunities.
  • Biodiversity Conservation: Through Endeavour, the Ity mine has been involved in the replanting of 40 hectares of the classified Krozialé forest near the mine. They have invested 20 million in protecting biodiversity and have established fishponds to breed native fish species.
  • Health and Education: Employees at the Ity mine are offered free health checks and voluntary HIV testing. A targeted strategy against malaria has been implemented, reducing disease outbreaks by 22% in the local area.

Read more about the Ity mine here.